Application Development in the Cloud – Where’s the Data

אירוע CloudCon Winter 2011, רביעי, 16 בנובמבר 2011, 11:40


Compute clouds are rapidly becoming a mainstream enabler for applications’ development and deployment. The transition to virtualized, on-demand environments has never been easier with the proliferation of PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) providers that allow developers to focus on their applications’ development while taking away the pains involved in actually deploying and operating it. One of the challenges that still remains, however, is designing, deploying and operating the database tier that’s used by the application.


This session will revolve around databases in the cloud with an emphasis on the developer’s perspective. We will cover the considerations and challenges that pertain to using databases in the cloud and as well as present some of the common approaches to solving these.



Itamar Haber

Itamar Haber

AVP Ops & Solutions


Itamar is a startup veteran, a database maven and an advocate for users. He has been with Xeround since 2006 and has held various product management, professional services, and operations roles. 

הרצאות נוספות באירוע CloudCon Winter 2011

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